While the Law Office of Ellen B. Holtzman is known best for its record of results in high conflict divorce and child custody cases, the firm handles the full range of family law matters. Ellen notes that collaborative divorce can be an excellent option for some families. In a collaborative divorce, each spouse has an attorney to advise and assist during negotiation. If there is custody involved, the couple agrees to put the needs of the children first, and to negotiate the terms of the entire divorce in an atmosphere that remains positive and respectful. "It can be a wonderful alternative to traditional divorce, which often involves court appearances," says Ellen Holtzman.
In addition to her thriving family law practice, Ellen is Director of Legal Education for the Washington Square Institute, an innovative interdisciplinary Family Law and Family Forensics Training Program for attorneys, judges, and mental health professionals. A past president of the Women's Bar Association of the State of New York, Ellen Holtzman currently serves the people of New York as a Commissioner on the New York State Legislative Ethics Commission.